Sunday, March 17, 2019

Aloha Nathan

I haven't been posting in a while - largely because I've been trying to get a bunch of non-plant related things accomplished - but also because one of our good friends passed on.  These are some plants from his garden that a mutual friend asked me to take care of -

Thanks for your friendship Nathan!

Sunday, January 27, 2019


The kids and I took a beach hike yesterday.  I've seen these native succulents there before -

I really like them when they swell up (extreme xeric conditions).  I've tried keeping  a few but they don't last long - so I'll just hike to visit them.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Cyphostemma juttae Fruit and Planting

Kathy from the Cactus Club gave me some fruit from one of her Cyphostemma juttae plants.  I read up on how to germinate these seeds -

Hopefully one of the seven seeds germinates.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Gymnocalycium saglione (at Lowes)

I think I have a similar plant, but I'm putting this here for future reference

Ariocarpus agavoides Flowering

I was checking on my plants and I saw this!!!

I went ahead and pollenated the flowers, but I am not sure if they need pollen from another plant or not.  Might as well try.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Euphorbia platyclada

While cleaning the benches, I notice this Euphorbia platyclada has a flower.

Pretty tiny, but I'm really glad I got to see it.  A sign that the plant is happy and willing to divert energy to flowering.


Nathan gave me a cutting of a Dischidia from the Philippines.  It's got some fat leaves.

Documented here so I can compare growth later.

Wow - six weeks since I last posted... I've been busy switching jobs and working on stuff (that is documented on the other blog).  Anyways - I've been in a mode where I'm trying to thin down the extra plants I have, and also cleaning up the benches.  I spent a few hours repotting some plants this morning - here are the pictures.

This cluster was repotted from the smaller container on the upper right corner of the picture.  I'll keep tabs on how quickly it fills this bigger pot.

Astrophytum definitely needed a bigger pot.

This Submatucana madisoniorium hasn't stopped flowering - I gave it a bigger pot to see if it'll get bigger.

Here's the Astrophytum in it's bigger pot.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Drosera binata Flowers

Take the time out of your busy days to stop for a moment and take in the awesome things that you may be regularly passing up -

These flowers are really cool!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Perhaps the Last Batch of Ant Plant Seeds this Year

These plants keep fruiting, but it is October already.  We'll see if there are more, or if these are it.

Curly leafed Myrmecodia tuberosa, Myrmephytum selebicum, and the regular Myrmecodia tuberosa fruit (left to right).

Finger Lime Flowering

Hopefully we'll get some fruit this year!!!

More pictures -

Friday, September 21, 2018

Dragon Fruit Cactus Flowering

Not the first time I've posted this -

But I can never get enough of this flower!!!

September 2018 CSSH Meeting

Astrophytums were the topic.

Angel gave me a 10 year old bonsai'ed Moringa olifera.

And Randy brought in his Alula

Awesome meeting!!!