Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Getting Some Girth...

This was a hitchhiker in another plant's pot.  It took a while to root, but it is now putting on some girth!

Here's a description from Altman Plants (where this was originally grown according to the labels on the plants -

Chamaelobivia ‘Rose Quartz’ “Peanut Cactus”

Chamaelobivia 'Rose Quartz' is a hybrid (genetic combination) between Chamaecereus (“Peanut Cactus”) and Lobvia. This “peanut” cactus has an upright growth habit, offsetting and blooming profusely.

Starting to Grow Out

I recently transplanted these from the container I used to germinate them - they were starting to lean over (lazy, not enough air movement, who knows). 

Well after a few days, they are starting to perk up again.  Whew!!!  I was getting a little worried - these are nothing like their lutea cousins.  The lutea grow like weeds while these take monumental effort to even germinate (let alone grow out).  Keep your fingers crossed...

More Sunlight

Of all the plants I've grown, these just can't get enough sunlight!

I've got these in the middle of the backyard now just so they can get maximum exposure.  And they are responding well (you can see the new growth).

Seed Pods on the Ihi

Having seen a few of these now, I believe these are the seed pods that are actually holding seeds.

We'll find out in the next day or so (when I try to harvest them).

Mystery Stapeliad No More -

This one finally bloomed - the other previous flowers didn't make it this far for some reason.  Well - it isn't a rare/unique Stapeliad - in fact it is the same as it's planter mate, a Stapelia gigantea.

The one in the back does look bigger.... regardless the flower is a dead giveaway.

Friday, October 20, 2017

October 2017 CSSH Meeting

Mellow meeting this month.  Lots of eating and socializing, then a presentation on Adenia.

Here are some of the plants that were brought in to show off the caudex -