Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Ant Plant Update

This was the first Hydnophytum I purchased (from Perla at last year's Kunia Orchid Society Plant Show and Sale).  It has definitely grown - in fact I have been looking around to find another container. 

And in looking it over for issues, look what I found!  I have a number of seedlings from this plant, but it is cool to see one growing without any assistance from me.

Another Visit to Perla's - February 10, 2018

I had a CSSH Board Meeting at Perla's on Saturday afternoon - but who can go to Perla's without checking out all the cool plants!!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Monday, February 5, 2018

2018 Baseline for the Pseudobombax ellipticum

Before the growing season sets in, I wanted to document the starting point for this plant.

Late last year I transplanted it into a shallower terracotta pot with the intent of encouraging the caudex growth.  The new pot is not that much shallower, but I figure at this scale everything counts.  I'll post new pictures in a few months or so.