Sunday, August 26, 2018

Nathan's Myrmephytum selebicum

Nathan loaned this plant to me so I can harvest all the seeds and get some seedlings going.  He said it has been pushing fruit every three days or so.

The first fruit he had given me this past Tuesday (CSSH August Meeting) had already germinated when I added the next two fruits (5 days to germinate).

This is a really unusual plant - blue colored flowers!!!  I can get most ant plant seeds to germinate, but getting them to grow past the cotylendon stage is definitely challenging. 

Stay tuned to see how this goes!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Nathan's Garden from La's Viewpoint

La and I went over to Nathan's this afternoon.  He had a large Zamia fall over in the Hurricane Lane wind and the pot cracked.  He wanted to save a portion to use as a tortoise house, but it needed a little glue up.  We got that done and spent the rest of the time (before our date night) taking our time to look at what has grown since the last time we were there.  Here is what she saw that interested her (she forgot her phone at home and asked to use mine to take pictures):

Friday, August 24, 2018

Hurricane Remodeling

Today (Friday) was supposed to be the day we would get the worst of Hurricane Lane - but the storm has slowed down and actually been shearing.  With the time at home and some relatively clear weather, I figured I would tackle a project I've been thinking about for a bit now.  I took down the shelves on the original bench and replaced them with a taller hanging rack.

Now I'll be able to consolidate the epiphytic plants to make both watering and feeding easier, cleaner and more efficient.  I still have one more crossbar to install, but in trying to reuse all the wood I ran out of the right size.  I like the change!

Notocactus buiningii Flowers?

These are some funky looking flowers - I love them!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Hurricane Lane

We took in or protected all our plants in preparation for Hurricane Lane.

We still have a bunch on the lanai and on the lower shelves of the benches.  We'll see you all on the other side of this storm -

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Notocactus buiningii

It's actually been a while since I bought a new plant.  I've been busy working on a few other projects so I haven't been on the hunt.  That said, I was in Lowes buying lumber and as I passed the cactus and succulent racks, I saw this Notocactus buiningii - back on the plant buying horse just like that!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Truck Duty

We got asked to help dig out a bunch of cacti and succulents from a couple of CSSH members houses.

Because it was hot and we were profusely sweating - we didn't take a bunch of pictures, but here is the truck loaded to go work -

Monday, August 6, 2018

2018 CSSH Plant Show

Pictures from this weekend's Annual CSSH Plant Show for 2018.  Lots of pictures - I'll let them do the talking ;)