Friday, May 18, 2018

Other Plants of Interest

I've been trying to avoid jumping into other plant interest areas (specifically orchids), but I have slowly started expanding into plants that have interactions with insects.  I've been posting on the Ant Plants that I have been growing, but I've also been trying my hand at growing carnivorous plants and I'm doing ok with Drosera.

I've also had Nepenthes, Venus Fly Traps, Saraccenia - but the climate in Ewa Beach is pretty rough in the summertime.  I think I'll stick with the Drosera for a awhile!

Also - I've gotten a couple of new Kalo plants and have gone full into raising them in small water pots.  This variant is "Black Magic" - I've only had it a short while and it has thrown up two flower spikes already.

And I've gotten one other that I'll post on as soon as I can get a picture.

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