Friday, September 8, 2017

Unhappy Plants

Not everything is green and blissful in my backyard.  Unfortunately when I repotted this Euphorbia ramena, it flourished for a little bit, then just collapsed.  The stem/trunk is not mushy, but it has lost some firmness.  I'm going to examine the roots, and if everything is ok there, I'll wait a bit and see if it recovers.

This Myrmecodia tuberosa is growing, but there are lots of "lesions" and dark spots on the leaves.  I have a smaller one that I've separated from this one, bu tit too has some issues on the leaves.  Not sure what is affecting them, but I think it may be viral.

I'll still count myself as lucky - two plants having major issues - I'll work harder, but still the odds have been good

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