Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Trimming the Big Euphorbias

First off - I know I have been delinquent in posting - life happens and when juggling priorities, blogging is one of the first things to drop off.  I haven't been ignoring my plants though - so I'll try to catch up here with the progress made.

I recently decided to trim up the Euphorbia esculenta and Euphorbia flanaganii that I have had growing (for a little less than two years with me).

I have been reluctant to do this because I didn't know how much I could cut off in a single session without throwing the plant into distress (past the point of no return).  With the cuttings and seedlings I have to back up the parent plant, I figured I'd work on the flanaganii first.

Using a super sharp xacto knife and finding a place to start, I cut my way through the lower arms up to a point that I thought would produce an aesthetic result.

It didn't take as long as I thought, so I decided to go ahead and trim up the esculenta.

There was a lot of sap lost, but several days after the trimming, both plants are doing well!  So don't be afraid to trim your medusa headed Euphorbias.

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