Thursday, April 27, 2017

A Lot of Progress in a Month

I've posted a bit on this plant lately, but I want to show what a month's time can do for a young Pachypodium brevicaule. Here's a picture from a month ago. And yesterday - lots of leaves and definite added caudex girth! I got this plant late last year and it quickly lot its leaves. At the time I wasn't sure if it was losing leaves to shipping stress or if it was settling in to dormancy, but I figured if it didn't leaf out by June, I could write it off then. I'm really glad my new found 'patience' was able to overcome my desire to cut open the 'dead' plant. In well draining media (mostly dry stall), I end up watering this plant every other day. It'll be interesting to see the development over the coming growing season.

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