Wednesday, April 12, 2017

First Batch of Brighamia insignis Seeds Planted.

In discovering the Alula plant seed pods were ready, several seeds fell into a pot liner. I took some time yesterday evening to grab those seeds and get them into some soil so they can start germinating. These seeds I am leaving on top of the soil as in nature the seed pods would tumble and disperse seed on rock walls or cliff faces and would not necessarily get covered with soil. I'll also try a batch that just barely covers them to see which technique works better. Each of the seed pods puts out tons of small seeds. In general, with a seed production like that, the expectation would be that the environment is tough and the more seed the better the chances of at least some germinating. This is in opposition to the strategy of producing only a few, more robust seeds - like what the Jatropha podagrica has been doing - assuming it grows in an area more supportive of supporting the successful development of the lower number of seeds. Anyways - hopefully some of these seeds germinate as it would be wonderful to help this plant propagate!

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