Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Back from the Dead (or a really deep dormancy)

I purchased this Pachypodium brevicaule back in August. Shipping from over 5000 miles away took it's toll on it, but it also being a very young plant also makes it vulnerable to spontaneous self destruction. It lost it's last leaf sometime late last fall and during the winter (a relative term in Hawaii) it seemed to get more and more dehydrated - to someone with less confidence, it would seem that this plant had died. The only reason I did not give up on it was it wasn't exactly a throw away plant. I decided to just leave it alone and see what happened - also, it wasn't brown and squishy like most dead succulents, so why not just let it be. Coming into this new year I started watering it and finally it is showing signed of returning (do you see the light green in the three central leaf bearing areas???). Based on observing some of the other Pachypodiums around our house and other gardens recently visited, this plant should have leaves out in a week. I'll post updates as events happen - but this brings up another interesting observation. In comparing the growth habits of my plants and comparing them to other growers here on Oahu, it seems as if my plants are 2 to 3 weeks (even up to 8 weeks) behind what others have happening. This has certainly proved true with flowering, but I have also seen the delay in sprouting leaves after dormancy. By my figures, the triggers could be moisture, temperature, duration and intensity of sunlight. Out on the Ewa Plain we get hotter temperatures, more intense sunlight, longer hours of sunlight and drier conditions - up arrows on all but the moisture measure... hmmmmm..... Update - I took this picture after work (4/5/2017) - I don't think it'll be another week - the leaves are starting to emerge now!!! Grow little plant grow!!!

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