Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Turning Back to Making Pots Again

As you can probably tell from the pictures I've been posting (which can be categorized as incremental growth shots), we've gotten caught up on gardening and are just in a maintenance mode (going through the plants daily to make sure we take out any mealie bugs, scale or any other anomalies). With that, we've started to turn our attention to the activity that comprises the other half of this blog - making planting vessels. This is our second batch of clay work this year. I forgot to take pictures of the finished products (I'll do that when I get home), but I knocked out one square bonsai pot, one 'U' pot, and two 'Totoro' plant props (used to hold up plants that send out long runners). Noe made a rectangular bonsai pot with added embellishments. UPDATE - here they are:

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