Thursday, September 1, 2016

Not Stapelia variegata

I ordered this plant from as "Stapelia variagata". The plant has made the transition well (keeping my fingers crossed), and the main clump has put out two flowers already. Here is the description from the website: native to Kenya and Zimbabwe, is a member of the Asclepiadaceae, or "Milkweed" family. Forms clusters of four-angled grayish-green pubescent (covered with tiny "hairs") stems. Known as "Starflower" for the star-shaped flower that can span 8" in diameter. The light yellow flower is covered with pale purplish hairs and banded transversely with burgundy striations. Requires porous soil with adequate drainage. Prefers filtered, bright light with ample airflow. Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch. Water less during extreme heat and during temperatures below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Will tolerate extreme heat as long as light is not intense. Prefers winter temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Protect from frost. If you do a google search on "Stapelia variagata" you'll see a similar plant with a different flower. This plant is a different species - I'll have to go hunting now to see what species this is. I'm not knocking - they have awesome plants and communicate well - and I am going to have fun trying to identify this. This plant did come with one more surprise - the flowers smell like dog crap. When I first saw the flowers, I was thinking "man, my new neighbors got a dog and they are not picking up the dog crap". But I only smelled it when I was near this plant. Sure enough, my neighbors don't have a dog and I have my first Stapelia that smells horrible!!! AWESOME!!!

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