Sunday, May 28, 2017

Pseudobombax ellipticum Update

This is the red varient I bought at the Yellin's Plant Sale. The leaf sprout look totally different than the small one... hmmmmmm....


These are from the red one


Which One???!!!....

"Is my favorite the Adenium obesum or the Gymnocalycium mihanovichii???



The Next Hydnophytum formicarum Seeds

The berry on the bottom should be ready to harvest in a day or so. This one is redder than the first one I took. I've been waiting to try and give the seeds a chance to fully develop (the first one only had one viable seed of two).


More Cactus Flowers

These plants don't quit!!!

  And this new comer is ready to pop also!!!

Cotyledon sinus alexander - Single Plant Repotted

I was holding this one separately from the other group - just in case something 'happened'. As the others are doing well, I figured it was time to repot this one as well.


Red 25 glazed small pot. Works well!

Euphorbia hedyotoides Repotted

I didn't want to wait for the latest pots to get out of the kiln, so I looked for one on hand that would work the E hedyotoides I got at the Foster Plant Sale.


 This "Creamy Tan" glazed pot turned out to be the one!


Cascading Replants

One of the pots we got from Lowes was for the Ceropegia that Noe has.


 Then that freed up pot went to the Huernia zebrina (grandiflora). This should give it room to grow out.


 And the old Huernia pot now houses the Conophytums.


All good feng shui moves if you ask me!

Praying Mantis (that was eating Noe!!!!)

We went to Lowes to get a couple of pots - one for Marlon and one to enable a bunch of transfers. While we were looking around, we saw a bunch of anoles and this guy -


 I picked it up (as the kids were worried about getting speared) and it was pretty docile. Then Noe wanted to hold it - and it rapidly started to gnaw on her... Marlon held it and nothing - docile, and even wanted to get away. Noe held it again and chew - chew - chew...


 Noe must be made of tasty stuff - like crickets!!!!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Perla's Garden

We've been wanting to check out Perla's garden for awhile. We got the chance today!


We helped get rid of a bunch of weeds, organized some of the plant shelves and got an awesome lunch - all before getting to take in the plants! What a wonderful place to visit!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Still don't know what this is...

But oddly enough, I had it next to some Eve's Needles and now I'm wondering if it isn't that...


 It has started to put out new growth - and the spiky leaves and the aureoles are what is pushing me in that direction regarding its identification. I'll get to see the mother clump soon, so well find out for sure what it is. UPDATE: We went to Perla's house today and I saw the parent plant - it's a cultivar of Austrocylindropuntia sublata - checkout the next post for the picture.