Tuesday, May 2, 2017

New Pot for the Cotyledon sinus alexander

I've had these plants for quite some time now (relatively speaking - at or nearly a year). They've had their ups and downs and I broke up the cluster originally to help them recover from shipping stress (they got shaken up pretty well crossing the Pacific) and to see how quickly they grew. They definitely have a growing season (late in the calendar year after the heat of summer has passed), but I still have a lot to learn about these plants. Seeing that they've stabilized and are somewhat in a status quo mode (no growing, no leaf shedding), I figured it would be a good time to consolidate the clumps again. I made this pot just for this purpose - low and wider (I've got something similar in mind for my two Fenestaria). I used a lot of gritty material for the planting media - some turface, granite grit, aquarium sand, and added a little amount Black Gold cactus mix (peat and pumice) for organics. This is fast draining, but holds onto a little of the water through the capillary effect of the smaller sized media grains. from the reading I've done, the next thing to expect from these plants is a leaf shed, followed by stem growth and flowering. I'm sure that was written of plants grown in a climate with larger margins (real seasonal shifts), so I expect any changes to be more subtle (like these will not lose all of their leaves before the stems grow out more). Lastly, I did leave one cluster out of this planting just to make sure all my "eggs" are not in one basket. I'll post more when there are changes.

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