Thursday, May 18, 2017

Cissus quadrangularis Cutting Finally Doing Something Visible

I am a strong proponent of the theory "give it time". I've observed time and again that when dealing with young plants or cuttings, when things looked like they've stalled, the plant is probably investing its energy into developing its roots. I've kept this one on the bench that has the plants that appreciate watering on a more frequent basis in the growing season (they all do, but the ones on this bench get watered 'almost' daily) - so it gets plenty of sun and water. It's been about two months since I got this cutting from the CSSH meeting, and for the past month or so, you could gently nudge it and sense the roots were taking hold. Investing energy to its roots. Well - upon further examination yesterday, I saw the first signs of development above the soil line - here is a leaf bud finally poking out.


 Seeing as we are transitioning between spring and summer, this cutting has good timing to get some growth on.

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