Thursday, July 6, 2017

Mugs and Pots

Noe and I working on another batch of pottery using Rod's Bod clay. We made some mugs (me for coffee to replace an old "US Navy - Yokosuka Japan" mug that broke; Noe made a "Dragon Scale" mug for tea).


 And I made more medium sized pots. I don't think I'll be making any small sized pots anymore as they are very limited in their use - plants just grow too quick to keep them in small pots for any length of time. These medium ones are good for grow out plus several months.


 Moving up to larger ones will take me getting used to coil building (these medium and small ones are all pinched and are pretty much limited to the size of my hands - using coils will let me make really big pots, but from my experience, coils take much longer to make). I'll try to knock out a few more then make a drop off this weekend.

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