Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Pedilanthus tithymaloides v. cucculata ssp smallii

I got side tracked from going back out to the backyard to take these pictures (busy couple of days - and I lost the back tire on my motorcycle... I need some stress relief...) - but here are the Pedilanthus tithymaloides v. cucculata ssp smallii plants all potted up in their new pots.

This pot is glazed in Celadon

And after a lot of deliberating, this is the pot I used "Bufo Satin Matte" glaze on - I was thrown for a loop on this one because zero blue and green came out on this piece.  I kept thinking it was a "Sun Valley", but it's a Bufo.  These pots should be good for these cuttings for at least a couple of years.

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