Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Possible Euphorbia submammillaris fma. pfersdorfii

This is one of the plants we got at last month's CSSH meeting.  I know it is a type of Euphorbia, but nailing down the specific species has been difficult - particularly because the way this one was growing (out - down - branching and then back up).  From plying the depths of the internet, I now think this is a Euphorbia submammillaris fma. pfersdorfii or a Euphorbia monstrose (but mostly the former).

The original form was really cool, but the plant didn't want to stay put in a pot (leverage and cantilever stuff).  I didn't want to cut it up, but I felt that I had to and I took a small cutting to test.  Well - from the success of rooting one small cutting taken a couple of weeks ago, I went ahead and took the whole plant and made several cuttings out of it.  Here it is after we got it from the raffle table (one person's trash is truly another's treasure).

I tried to plant is as is - but since the first cutting took root, I think I can get this plant to grow with better form.

And here are pictures of the first rooted cutting

And lastly, here is the plant all divided up.  I think the original base will produce an interesting shape once the new heads start growing back in.

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