Wednesday, June 7, 2017

More Pottery Processing Through -

I stopped off at the ceramics shop yesterday to buy more Rod's Bod clay, to see what has come out of bisque and what was ready to take home. All of Noe's work survived and most of what I last turned in for bisque firing has come out and is ready to glaze (except two larger pots - when Noe and I go back this weekend, perhaps they'll be out as well).


 I'm not glazing these three so they went right on to the high firing rack. There wasn't much on their so perhaps we can get our other pieces in this load by the weekend.


 These are the pieces that came out of the glaze firing.


The Woo Blue pieces looked more like they were glazed with tenmoku (black and brown) - but it works really well with the dark brown that the Rod's Bod takes on in the firing. The big Jamaica clay pot glazed with carbon trap shino came out cool as well! Now to find suitable plants....


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