Sunday, June 11, 2017

Unidentified Asclepiads from Perla

We went to Perla's house to help clear debris and do some weeding. As always, Perla sent a bunch of plants home with us.


I told her I like Asclepiads/Stapeliads and now I have a bunch more. Like I've written before - it is very hard to positively identify these plants until they flower. So for now, I'll just do my best to grow these out and get them to flower. Here's a group that looks like peanuts -


It had a flower on it, but it got knocked off on our way home. Luckily, Noe had the foresight to go ahead and just open the flower - so I'll ply the web and see if I can identify this one. From what I've been able to find, I think this is a Huernia erinacea


 These groups are likely Huernia of some sort - I'll have to root these and get them to flower before we all find out.


 This one came with a bloomed flower - it is likely a Huernia hystrix


 More picture of this likely hystrix

 This group is likely Orbea variegata - but time will tell...


 I have no idea what this could be - different shaped body than a Huernia...


 And I've got these already, but I'll grow them out and use them for raffle prizes at an upcoming CSSH meeting. Huernia scheideriana and procumbens.


 This didn't come home with us, but another cool Austrocylindropuntia varient from Perla's garden -


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