Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I'm Not Sure What These White Protrusions Are...

I try and look at my plants at least once a day. If for screening for mealie bugs, wind damage, or ensuring any recent efforts (repotting, propping, or trimming) aren't going sideways, or just for trying to unwind after a day of commuting and working, watching plants grow is a luxury I've never had before settling down and it is one that I do not intend to take for granted. My latest observations yielded this - I noticed white protrusions growing out from the Mymercodia tuberosa (Ant Plant). When I get some down time (like when I'm not posting plant pictures and writing a bunch of gibberish) I'll research what these growths could be - but for now I'm betting they are good growth (new leaf nodules, or incentives for ants to colonize) and not bad growth.

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