Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Stapeliads in a Cedar Box

I got home with enough time to transplant one of the Stapeliads I referenced in the previous post. As far as which Stapeliad this is, I won't know for sure until it flowers, but that won't be likely until late summer. For now, I focus on getting it to fill out the available space in the cedar box. If I standardize the cedar box size, right now they are 24" in length, I can build one last shelf with a section to hold these planter boxes so storage and light exposure are maximized. And for this last shelf, I'll incorporate a built in shade. The only spot I have left is in the far corner of the yard in the narrow corridor on the south side. This corner gets some pretty intense summer sun. After that shelf, to increase available horizontal space, I'll have to modify the three existing shelves that currently only have a waist high level (one already has a second calf high shelf). I can put a head high rack and calf high shelves and then everything will be maxed out (hopefully allowing for better organization, less crowded conditions and options for sunlight exposure). More on that later...

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