Tuesday, February 7, 2017

New Potting Method

Around the Christmas time frame, I built La a long and fairly deep planter box made out of redwood planks for her Heliconia. She needed the box so she could keep some plants on the front porch without violating the HOA rules. Building that box and seeing similar ones at the "Once Again" nursery got me thinking that for some of the plants I have, smaller cedar plank boards. Well, this past Sunday I finally had some time to try this out. These were actually pretty easy to put together. I didn't use any glue, just nails, and I didn't use any quarter round trim either. If I make some for other purposes (plant stands, or storage boxes), I think I'll use glue and the quarter round strips, but for now I'll see how these hold up to the exposure and watering. The first plants I potted up are my Portulaca molokiniensis that were going rogue on me. The second one I will use to give some Stapeliads some leg room (hopefully I can leave work at a normal hour and get through traffic in time to do this today). I am also planning on making a square version of this pot, and more long ones to get some of the other fast offsetting plants repotted as we get into spring.

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