Sunday, February 19, 2017

New Cactus from

I have been scouring my local nurseries for an Ariocarpus fissuratus and a Mammillaria Hahniana to no avail for the past few months. I threw the towel in and decided to go ahead and place another internet order. After looking through the usual sites I've ordered from, I thought I'd try a different vendor. I'm happy with the selection, speed of delivery and quality of specimen from


 I ended up ordering a Ariocarpus fissuratus, a Mammillaria Hahniana, a Trichocereus huascha cristata and a Gymnocalycium friedrichii. I got the shipment this past Friday and the box was full of styrofoam peanuts and the plants were individually wrapped in newspaper. There was minimal shipping damage (the Gymnocalycium spines were knocked about). The best thing about these plants is their size and health!!! I took them out of the box, cleaned them up and let them sit overnight and into the next day. It wasn't until yesterday afternoon (Saturday) when I went ahead and potted them (pictures to follow - but in the meantime, here is the Ariocarpus).


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