Tuesday, August 16, 2016

First Load Out of the High Firing Kiln Run - Small Flower Vase for La

On Saturday I picked up a bunch of pieces from the Hickam Arts and Crafts Center - a little more than half of the group I had glazed emerged from the kiln. I'll post info on some of the ones I like (not really for you all out there who may be reading this, but mainly for me so when I am at the ceramics shop and need to remember what glaze I used, I can just jump back here). For starters, here is a small flower vase I made for La. Soldate clay. Pinched round body that I flattened with a rice scoop. I painted on the McKenzie Celadon glaze. I was a little worried that the glaze would run at Cone 10, but it is super stable and did not run one bit. I even felt that the three coats was rather thick - but as you can see it thinned out considerably and hugged the vase shape tightly (even on the underside!!!). Already in use!!!!

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