Saturday, August 6, 2016

First Place!!!

The kids and I entered some plants into the Cactus and Succulent Society of Hawaii Plant Show at the Xeriscape Plant Sale held annually at Halawa Valley. Here are pictures of our entries the day before we had to turn them in. So here they are at the show: Kalanchoe luciae Brighamia insignis. This is a native Hawaiian plant that originally grew on the seacliffs of Kauai. If you recall watching National Geographic episodes where botanists were rappelling down the cliff faces to hand pollinate endangered plants - these are the offspring of those plants. The Hawaiian name for this plant is "Alula". Three Rhipsalis species - Rhipsalis cereuscula, Rhipsalis salicomioides, and Rhipsalis ewaldiana And Echeveria imbricata - the Blue Rose. Oh yeah - I won a First Place ribbon for this one!!!

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