Thursday, August 25, 2016

My Medusa Head Plants

I got the next two from the first order I placed at Euphorbia esculenta, although I am inclined to think it may be Euphorbia inermis. I'll post some of the earlier pictures I have of this plant when I first received it. I think I may have found a place that all these 'medusa' plants like - morning to mid-day sun, lots of breeze. It is much happier now. What these plants have taught me is that succulents and scorching sunlight are not necessarily friends. You'll see what I mean when I post some of the older pictures. Euphorbia flanaganii This one is really happier in this new spot! Both of these plants have bloomed before, but this time around it is like they are competing against each other for the title of "Gaudiest Fat Plant Ever". Or maybe they just really like the shot of Osmocote I recently gave them.... This last one came in from the "Out of Africa" shipment, and this plant is the reason I believe the first one is E. inermis - Here is Euphorbia esculenta. Go ahead and be amazed by its stunning beauty, it's luscious green complexion and the firm upreaching appendages!!! This one has so much charm and vigor! There is no way that I could pick just one favorite plant - but for sure these type of plants with their thick caudex and upward reaching arms are definitely up there!

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