For starters, here is one of the Huernia I've taken on (to caring for) - Huernia zebrina, the "Lifesaver" plant. I'm pretty sure this one is cherry flavored. Plants being what they are need a place to hang out. The ground is preferred if everything else is good for the plant (temperatures, acidity, water retention, nutrients, lack of pests, and the intensity and duration of light - among other things). But getting all those factors right the first time can be difficult at best. So planting in pots is a good alternative that allows you to move plants around to optimize their environment - you would be astonished to learn how many micro-climates you may have in your yard/home/patio. But pots can get expensive - especially if you are looking for options that suit specialty plant requirements (moves moisture quickly and gives the roots a snug fit) and the unusual catches your eye. In order to satiate my OCD, I have started learning how to make my own pottery. I'll be posted about this journey on this blog as well since the two areas are intertwined.
I'll work on uploading pictures of the plants I have been growing over the past eight months, while injecting pictures of new plants I stumble on at the different nurseries and plant shows around Oahu, Hawaii. I'll also post pictures of the pots I make and those made by others that drive me to do better. Let's get started!!!!
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