Saturday, August 6, 2016

Unthirsty Plant Sale and Show

Today I took the kids to Halawa Valley to go to the Annual Unthirsty Plant Sale and Show. There were tons of vendors selling succulents, local tropicals that consume less water, and a few unusual plants - and lots of people finding the ones that spoke to them and taking them home! Win-win for everyone!


 Noe really likes Aedium obesum (Desert Rose)


 There were lots of plants I wanted to take home, but I did limit myself to just a handful.


A mini horsetail plant (I've never seen this before and the vendor only had one)


 I think this one is a type of Cotyledon, but I'm not ultra-sure. I'll ask at the next Cactus and Succulent Society of Hawaii (CSSH) meeting.


 I have been looking for one of these for quite some time - Titanopsis calcarea. Next to caudex forming Euphorbia, Mesembs are my favorite plants. Unfortunately they are also some of the more difficult plants to keep happy.


 Here is a nice Adromischus cristatus specimen.


Another species I saw for the first time today - Deuterocohnia chlorantha


 The CSSH also had a plant show set up. Noe, Marlon and I entered some plants - but this will be discussed in the next post. Great time today!!!

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