Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Initial Look Pseudolithos mccoyi

I received an order recently from www.succulent.us - I'll work to get posts of the acquisitions up shortly. For now, here are a couple pictures of the Pseudolithos mccoyi Pseudo meaning fake and lithos meaning rock is a pretty spot on genus name. I think science could have also made the genus name more interesting by naming it after bird poop. I transplanted this yesterday into a 50-50 mix of black mineral sand that www.succulent.us sent with the plant and granite grit. And since I had that mixed up, I went ahead and transplanted a bunch of other mesembs (but that's another post). Country of Origin: Somalia; Substrate: Pumice or 100% mineral soil. Don't bury the base in the substrate. Place the base of the plant in a horizontal position on the soil surface; Watering: Water regularly during hot summer days and light watering in winter. Either excessive and very scarce watering can induce rot; Temperature: Winter temperatures must be kept over 50° F; Lighting: Strong light with shelter from full sun; Ventilation: Good air movement; (Care information taken from www.succulent.us) Sounds like a good fit for the climate of the Ewa Plain - hot, sunny (need to protect from strong direct afternoon light), not a whole lot of rain and doesn't get cold in the winter months. Cool plant that I'm looking forward to growing!

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