Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hydnophytum papuanum on Ant Plant Mounts - Progress

The seedling on the single mount has opened and seems to be one its way to a good start.

The double mount has one doing fine (solid bright green color), but the second one is a darker, paler green.  Not sure if this second one is going to pull through.  I also am not sure I like the vertical mount style.  In the last ceramics run I did turn in a pot that is a low, narrow pot built to hold a hapuu puck vertically - that may be the way I go with these ant plant mounts (vertically - for horizontal mounting, a bowl works fine and the "jellyfish" stand looks really cool).

Here's the "jellyfish"

And for clarification this one has a Myrmecodia beccarii growing on it.

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