Saturday, August 19, 2017

More Repotting - the Rock Ficus

I've been observing a majority of the plants with true leaves are getting ready for a fall push - the days are getting shorter and the temperatures, while still on the warm side, are definitely starting to drop off.  With that should come more leaves and sugar production until "winter" starts and leaves drop.  I've been wanting to pair this plant and this pot together for some time now, but the to do list kept growing.  I managed to get way ahead on this three day weekend so it was time to repot the Ficus petiolaris.

I trimmed off a bunch of the hair roots, and used a mostly dry stall mix with some cinder and only a little cactus mix.  I did add a bunch of Osmocote so the plant has plenty of nutrients to draw from for the fall push.

I really like how this pairing turned out!!!

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