Wednesday, August 16, 2017

New Plants from the August 2017 CSSH Meeting

June gave me this cactus - wicked cool looking!!!  And it is actually pretty wicked - the spines remind me of fiberglass splinters and they have barbs at the tip that stick to everything.

And here it is all trimmed up so I can pot it and get it to set roots.

I'll add more pictures later (I already potted it - but the pictures are on my phone still).  Update: here is the cactus all potted up and after looking around the internet, I believe this is a Maihueniopsis glomerata.

The club President usually has a number drawn at the beginning of the meeting to pick an early plant. For the first time, my number was called first and I got this Euphorbia decaryi (there wasn't much else on the table that I was interested in).  This one looks really lush for a decaryi... it might be a hybrid (and I think it may be an offshoot from one of the first place winners from this year's plant show...)

And lastly, Maureen divided up this plant - I grabbed a cutting but didn't catch the name.  When I figure out what it is I'll update the post.

From how Maureen described this plant, it can be a pain in the butt with all the spines and growth.  I'll keep my eye on this one....

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