I brought this plant to the August 2017 CSSH meeting to show it off as "My Favorite Plant". It is planted in 100% mineral based media and sand, so during the trip to and from the meeting to the house there was some shifting of how the plant sat in the pot.
I figured I might as well repot it since it is the end of summer and it is likely to grow again as autumn sets in. Here it is in the new pot.
And here it is back in its old spot on the bench. Looking forward to more growth from this plant.
My daughter Noe got me interested in succulents in early 2016 and ever since we've been on a quest!!! Naturally with so many new plants around, we needed pots to put all of them into. The typical pots you can buy from the big box stores just don't have character that suits these incredibly interesting plants. So we've both been making our own pottery. And now we're branching out into other plants - Aeroids, Orchids and Citrus!!! Check out what our green thumbs have been doing!!!
Hi Victor, do you still have this plant?