Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Just Delivered

While we were passing time waiting to pick up Marlon from his orchestra practice this past Sunday,we made a stop at the Berentania St Koolau Farmers shop. They always have cool handmade pots, unusual orchids and staged succulent plants and a really good selection of succulents. Just as we were about to leave a couple of things happened. First, a lady went up to the counter with a big box full of pots - she is one of the potters that produce the stock carried at the shop. Next time I stop by there, I'll try and find one of the pots I saw her bring in to see which of the potters she is. The next thing that happened as we were leaving the cash register was a man had pulled up in a Toyota Tacoma and started unloading trays of succulents. Noe and La got mesmerized and we started talking to the gentleman. Turns out he is the farmer that supplies Koolau Farmers with their succulent stock. He does this as a hobby/second job. We doubled back and picked a couple to take home. It may seem like we are harboring too many plants - but I'll post later about our efforts to pay things forward.

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