Saturday, November 19, 2016

Lyon Arboretum Fall 2016 Plant Sale

We spent the morning checking out the Fall Plant Sale at the Lyon Arboretum in Upper Manoa. It was raining so I didn't take a bunch of pictures. La ended up finding several Ti cuttings that she has been looking for over the past year. This leads to a funny story - when we moved in to this house, she was hell bent on getting rid of the various Ti plants around the yard. Now we're scouring the island for different and unusual ti ;) I escaped with a tiny fish hook cactus and a type of Aloe I haven't seen before. Noe got a bubbly Haworthia. And Marlon picked up another Jade Bonsai and another Haworthia. Fun time!!! I'll post pictures of the new Aloe shortly (the rain continued through the day).

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