Monday, November 14, 2016

Transplanting the Hylocereus coastaricensis Seedlings

After looking at the seedlings in their ziploc bag incubators, it appeared that they weren't going to gain any more benefit from life in a bag. Most were putting out roots into the paper towel fibers and even showed some tiny spines emerging from between the two initial leaves - time to go into some soil. It was a long and tedious process to cut each plant away from the paper towel commune and get it situated in the grow out tray. I used regular garden soil (which seemed to have an inordinate amount of tree mulch) and a grow out tray from Koolau Farmers. We'll mist these plants daily or as they need it (but we'll start with daily in the mornings) and hopefully we can get a few of them past this fragile stage. If they all make it, I'll have some give aways for the Cactus and Succulent Society of Hawaii meetings. Maybe we'll have some fruit in 3 years...

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