Sunday, November 20, 2016

Marlon Gets to Checkout Once Again Once Again

With the family having to make a weekly trek out to Niu Valley so we can get Marlon to Orchestra practice, we've on occasion made the additional drive out to Waimanalo. Most times it's to run errands but we usually hit the nurseries while we're there. A few times we've gone to Once Again Succulents (and I feel bad because Marlon has been saying we should go). Well we made the time to go this afternoon. Lately we've been able to come. look around and leave with our wallets intact. Not so today - they got some new stock in and a strange, uncontrollable urge came over me to purchase a few. The Haworthia truncata and the Gasteria gracilis would not leave me alone. La was hell bent on getting enough succulents to fill out her circular pot she bought back in March and Noe found these ice plants irresistable. Marlon picked up a few also - a String of Pearls and spreading Sedum. This is always a nice stop when in Waimanalo, and I'm glad we were able to come with Marlon this time!

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