Sunday, March 26, 2017

Ant Plant Potting

I potted the new ant plants in long fiber sphagnum moss and placed them in super well draining orchid clay pots. These were originally potted in black cider, pumice and some organics - but I wanted to get them growing in the sphagnum moss sooner than later. Here's the Myrmecodia tuberosa. And here's the Hydnophytum formicarium. From what I've read (and seen with the M. beccarii), these plants will put down roots into orchid mix (mainly bark, large chunks of pumice, and some charcoal), but most people seem to do well with these plants in the long fiber sphagnum. The sphagnum also makes it easier to up size when the time comes. I'm happy with these set up the way they are.

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