Thursday, March 30, 2017

Last of the Plant Mail (for Awhile)

I got home late (Westside Oahu traffic is legendary for it's duration and lack of speed), but came home to two packages. The first was essentially a birthday present for La (a leafless Bird of Paradise - Strelitia juncea), but the rest were caudiciforms (for me). This is going to be the last plant mail I get for a little bit (trying to pay off other bills) - but this was a good delivery!!! This first one is another Hydophytum formicarum. These plants are supposed to be self-fertile, but genetic diversity is not a bad thing. The next plant is a Pseudobombax ellipticum. After the last garden visit I went on, I got mesmerized by this plant. The grower didn't know which variety this one was (red or white flower), so it is going to be a long waiting game (but all of this boils down to patience anyways right?). And the last plant that came in is a Pelargonium cotyledonis. The leaves got beat up during shipment, but I'm sure the plant will bounce back quickly. I'll take more pictures of these potted up this afternoon. UPDATE - and here they are:

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