Friday, March 24, 2017

Getting Back on the Horse

I had to vent off some frustration yesterday so after repotting a few plants (another post), I decided to shape a few containers - the first in 2017. First up is a bonsai pot - a little on the thick side, but proportional. Next is a medium sized bowl. I think I'll be making several of this container as they are the right volume for the kind of plants I have right now and their current size. My wedding ring is in the picture for size comparison purposes. And lastly, I repaired a small bowl we got with a clump of waterplants. Three pieces broke off, but using some of the new foamless, clear Gorilla Glue, it's back to 100%. I used some of the Jamaica clay that I had leftover from my last wheel class. The lesser amount of grog made this clay easier for me to form on the wheel (probably more a psychological thing), but it made it challenging to hand form. The medium bowl actually has a decent split in the middle that just spontaneously formed. I repaired it, but I'm curious as to how it will hold up in the kiln. I'm going to make a few more pots tonight and take the load over to the ceramics shop on Saturday.

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