Sunday, March 26, 2017

"I swear this is the last time I do this...."

I recently saw a picture on a blog that showed a Portulaca molokiniensis that has been allowed to grow unbounded - and my jaw dropped (here's the picture, credit to Gerhard Bock of Succulents and More Blog). So now I am on a mission to grow my plants out to this range and I'm starting with the one that has already taken off in that direction (the one that started drooping on me). Silly me for thinking something was wrong - this plant was just asking for a repotting into a very large bowl - which I just so happen to have... So I repotted it yet again, but this time with the intentions to allow it to grow out as much as possible. I used the two rocks to make sure the root ball was anchored down (notice it is directly opposite the leaning trunks - lots of leverage and my incessant repotting isn't helping any). But they actually add a really nice dimension. The chopstick props are temporary - once the roots get established, I remove those and relocate the rocks (into a more decorative position). Of note, this started out as one single little cloned cutting (bought from Once Again Succulents). These plants really like the climate-weather out here on the Ewa Plain - hot summers, some humidity, breezy and lots of sunshine year round - kinda like Molokini

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