Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March CSSH Meeting

Noe and La are a little disappointed that the program wasn't focused on Adeniums (because they missed a flute ensemble for this meeting). And we didn't pick up anything from the raffle (both the plants we were looking at got picked before our numbers were called). BUT I was able to purchase a really nice Pachypodium rosulatum from Perla. Here are a couple of pictures from this morning. I'm pretty stoked as this species is one of the most visually pleasing of all the Pachypodiums. Dr. Fitch brought in a Hydnophytum formicarum and two seedlings from it (AWESOME), as well as their Pachypodium brevicaule. And Noe and Marlon tried their hand at something new - selling some of the plants we've been growing in the back yard. They managed to sell a quarter of what we brought in, and we put another quarter up on the raffle table. Good experience for them (despite the enthusiastic look Noe has).

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