Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Pachypodiums Healed Up

Well - I took these three days ago (Saturday March 11th) and it was a day after I had performed the plant surgery to remove the rotten sections. The exposed sections had already dried up nicely! I checked on them today and they were even better (no pictures today though...), so good in fact that I decided to go ahead and give them all a good watering. Again citing something I saw on Facebook (a series of comments from one of the moderators on the Succulent Anarchy group page) - keep the pots shallow and tight, use super fast draining media and water-water-water - I figured it was time. I am looking forward to this season and seeing just how much growth they will put on. It's kind of funny that they are coming out of dormancy as slowly as they are... perhaps in another couple of weeks they'll have fully budded out.

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