Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Busy Weekend - Lots of Plant Action - Catching Up - Explosions....

We had a very busy plant filled weekend so I'm playing catch up now. I hit a plant sale put on by the Oahu Nursery Growers Association (while Noe was racing in a regatta and while Marlon was at a Science Olympiad), then I took Noe to get a celebratory Moon Cactus, followed the next day with a visit to our friend Nathan's house where we got to take in his awesome garden. He gave us tons of plants (that we are still in awe of - some truly magnificent specimens - okay maybe it's just me gushing) and were still repotting some of them. To get started, we did have a lot of rain last week. Lucky for me I have been transforming the soil mix I have been using for my plants that are sensitive to prolonged water exposure. Using a mix of 60% dry stall, 30% Black Gold Cactus and Succulent Mix, and 10% granite grit (or some variation of this mix), I've got the transplants and new acquisitions from the last few months in a very fast draining media. All my cactus are in a fully exposed area and they got rained on pretty heavily. I was actually fretting at work about which plants would end up bursting because of overwatering, but they all survived... except one single conophytum. Noe and I were going to dissect this one, but then we saw a new pair of leaves inside. We decided to give it a week or so to see what happens. Stay tuned...

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