Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Other Two Pachypodiums

I took some time this afternoon to pot the other two Pachypodiums we got from Nathan. These have grown up 'hard' and they have unmistakable character that could not have been imparted any other way. Here is the first one - And all potted up. The second one - Again - in it's new pot. Actually having a little time to think about the potting media, I'm going to repot these again tomorrow after I get home from work. I'll post this separately, but the Black Gold Succulent and Cactus mix I normally purchase is no where to be found. I did grab a few bags of Black Gold Cactus mix, but it is significantly different than the mix I've become accustomed to - this new (to me) blend looks like it will retain water more efficiently, so I'm going to heavily amend it with perlite and dry stall.

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