Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Plant Pirate Booty

Again Nathan was so kind to send a bunch of plants home with us! We kinda gravitated to the ones that interested us and we each repotted the ones we want to take responsibility for - I'm a sucker for caudiciforms now... so these were adopted by me... The Ficus petiolaris. Nathan said these are from Baja California and we should never plant it in the ground... The leaves are striking but the stems coming off the body - wonderful!!!! The Pachypodium saundersii. There are two others I still have to repot - these plants intrigue me more and more each time I look at them - the more spines, folds, and dare I say it - the uglier the better!!! and a type of Euphorbia I'm still working on identifying (UPDATE - I'm pretty sure this is a Euphorbia millotii). And this Euphorbia mililii (it's got white flowers!) Noe was given an opportunity to pick out any of the Adenium that Nathan had - and she picked this one. Noe also got a bunch more ficus.

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